A Study: Mediterranean Diet Health Benefits
Better health metrics were sustained even a year after Mediterranean diet and moderate exercise were discontinued
Healthy Nutrition: Your Way to Strengthen Your Immune System
The coronavirus vaccines are already here, and still our nutrition plays a crucial role in strengthening our body and our immune system and in protecting us from chronic and infectious diseases
Winter Nutrition
What happens to our body during the winter? Why are we so hungry? Why do we have an increasing appetite for carbohydrates? Is there any healthy “comfort” food?
Healthy Nutrition According to the Weekly Torah Portions and the Holidays
The connection between the recommendations for healthy nutrition and the Torah values and the guidance of the Torah sages is presented through a collection of materials and an illustrated book.
Shavuot – First Fruits in All the Colors of the Rainbow
For many people, Shavuot is associated with dairy foods – but is it? What are the different first fruits, and what is their connection to healthy nutrition and the Nutritional Rainbow?
The Nutritional Rainbow Diet for Healthy Nutrition
Eating Efsharibari according to the Ministry of Health's national nutritional recommendations
New Government Dietary Guidelines
Eat natural, colorful food, with familiar, favorite flavors and smells – and mainly eat healthier food. Everything you need to know about the Ministry of Health’s dietary guidelines and their health
Hanukkah in the Colors of the Rainbow
A healthy Hanukkah vacation in the spirit of the new nutritional rainbow
Even When Not Getting Out of Home - It is Possible to Eat Healthy
Even if we are at home because of fear of coronavirus infection, it is possible to keep us well with a healthy and effective diet.
Diet Drinks: Substitute for Sugar, Not for Health
If you think sugar substitutes are a good alternative to sugar, think again. In the next article you will learn about the health and environmental damage they cause us.
The End of the "Uncomfortable" Era
Hosts stop feeling uncomfortable and start serving water: the Ministry of Health and Efsharibari campaign review the habits and norms of drinking sweetened beverages
Tap Water – Clearly Healthy, Especially in the Summer
Drinking tap water in Israel is safe. It is crucial to drink more, especially when temperatures rise. How the water reaches our tap, why it is recommended to drink it, and more.
Legumes – What They Are and Why You Should Consume Them Daily
Legumes are nutritious, satisfying, inexpensive and good for the environment
Bread and Whole Grains
What are whole grains? Why should they be part of your diet and how will you know which bakery goods are (really) made of whole grains?
Why Fruit and Vegetables Should Be Part of Our Daily Diet?
Why is it important and particularly beneficial to include fruit and vegetables in our daily diet and how can we persuade children to like vegetables?
Less Sodium – Better Health
What is sodium, why is it concealed in so many foods (sweet ones too!) and why shouldn’t we consume too much of it?
Less Sodium for Children – It’s Efsharibari
How can you reduce your children’s sodium intake and why is it important to start at a young age?
Green Signage in the Market to Raise Green Signage Awareness in Markets as Well
Mahane Yehuda is the first market in Israel to place green symbols in hundreds of businesses and stores
Labeling Bulk Foods with the Green Symbol – For Supermarket Owners
The Ministry of Health's recommendations for labeling bulk foods with the green symbol serves as an opportunity for a unique and health-conscious customer service.
Read, Compare and Choose Healthier: Ingredient List and Nutritional Labeling
How the ingredient list and nutrition labels can help us better understand what goes into the shopping cart – and choose healthier
Efsharibari’s Bread Symbol – Make a Healthy Choice!
The shelves in retail chains are filled with many kinds of dark breads with names that give the impression of a healthy product, but not all are made of whole grain flour.
Processed Foods - Cast Aside, Fresh Equals Efsharibari!
What are the definitions of processed and ultra-processed foods, why do we tend to consume too much of them, and what can be done so that even in your family you can cast the processed food aside?
Fresh, easy and quick to prepare foods for the family instead of ultra-processed foods.
Fresh is EfshariBari: The Recipes
Quick and easy recipes: Simple cooking for the entire family. Every recipe has common ingredients combined with products children don’t usually try
Fresh is EfshariBari: Shopping List
Everything you need to remember to have in your shopping list – for quick preparation of healthy and scrumptious meals
Buy Healthier and Cheaper? It's Efsharibari
If you take into account all aspects and consequences, it turns out that buying healthy food isn't only more expensive – it is even more economical
Nutritional Security: the Significant Role of Nutrition in Combatting Corona
Not just a mask and alcogel: healthy nutrition also protects against complications of the coronavirus, and so accessibility to healthy foods for all of us is especially important now
Colorful, festive, healthy stuffed peppers
A tasty and fancy main course and mainly: without meat. Peppers in a variety of colors or other vegetables we love: tomatoes, zucchinis, onions, or eggplants.
Patent Pasta
A hot, tasty, colorful and fast Mediterranean dish: with cherry tomatoes, legumes and whole wheat pasta.
A Whole Meal in a Jar
A Mediterranean meal mixed in a jar, colorful, tasty, quick and most importantly – fun to prepare with the kids!
Mediterranean Tortilla
Colorful vegetables, a variety of legumes and wholegrains – all rolled together up to one tasty, quick and simple meal.
Garden Vegetable Pasta
An abundance of vegetables and herbs: zucchini, leeks, mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower and spinach with sun-dried tomatoes, olive oil, fresh herbs and grilled Tzfat cheese
Mediterranean Roast Vegetables With Low Fat Goat Cheese
A salad that is also a meal: Vegetable antipasti with herbs, juicy chickpeas, olive oil, pickled lemon, basil harissa, pomegranate and goat’s cheese.
Chicken and Pepper Shawarma With Freekeh (Durum Wheat) and Cabbage Salad With Mint
Strips of chicken breast fried in a hot pan with onions and colorful peppers, with smoked freekeh stew and white cabbage salad with mint
Sugar-Free Vegan Mayonnaise
Have you ever checked the list of ingredients in your mayonnaise? Did you notice the sugar in there? Below is a recipe for a delicious, easy-to-make, soy milk-based homemade mayonnaise.
Real Fruit Popsicles
No added sugar or flavor extracts, with lots of real fruit: a sweet and healthy recipe for home-made popsicles.
Cucumber Roll
As a starter, snack or just “on the road”, with quality calcium from the cheese and a variety of vitamins from the colorful vegetables.
One Bite Tortilla Skewers
Mexican-inspired snack. Tortillas are a good source of fiber and calcium; avocado is an excellent source of good fats, especially monounsaturated fats which help reducing blood cholesterol.
Energy Balls
Who needs processed sweets? Here is a sweet and healthy recipe that can be prepared in advance and stored in the fridge for hectic times
Fruit and Vegetable Snacks
Cast aside the salty and sweet snacks. They contain especially high quantities of sodium (salt), fats and sugar, alongside flavor and smell enhancers, various additives to prolong their shelf life.
Orange Lentil "Hummus"
Legumes are an excellent source of quality protein and could be prepared in many cooking methods, some of them very surprising
Baked Apple Chips
Easy to make, just two ingredients, the oven on low temperature, together with a few apples - work some magic in the kitchen with baked apple "chips" to replace any candy or ultra-processed snack.
Spelt Flour Crackers
Looking for something crispy that goes well with healthy spreads or beside vegetables, as an easy dish or at the park? Here is a simple recipe for crackers that will get the job done.
Quick Cocoa and Date Balls
When you want something sweet - but also healthy, these cocoa and date balls, with raw tahini and almond butter, are a quick and pleasing solution
Enriched Homemade Granola
No odd-sounding additives, much less fat and sugar, more ingredients rich in minerals and vitamins - this homemade granola is fun to make and eat by ourselves or send to someone we want to cheer
Yogurt and Fruit Popsicle
Popsicles are a nutritional and low-calorie dish. They contain yogurt, which is a source of protein, calcium and vitamin A.
Kiwi-Watermelon Popsicle
A popsicle is a cool dish, rich with vitamins (mainly vitamins A and C) and contains minerals and dietary fibers.
Melon-Grape-Green Mint Shake
This refreshing fruit shake is rich with carotenoids and potassium and contains vitamin A
Healthy Nutrition as Reinforcement for Children's Spirits During Wartime
The emergency and anxiety affect our children's eating and health. Understanding the difficulties and recommended actions will help parents, teachers and others in the community protect their health.
Nutrition During Wartime
During wartime, eating habits often change; at times, swallowing becomes challenging, and at other times, people continue to eat. We can support those around us in managing these situations.
Healthy Diet During Pregnancy
During pregnancy the body changes and the diet needs to change with it. Which foods are recommended during this time and which foods should be avoided?
Growing Up Healthy: Healthy Diet During Adolescence
Healthy nutrition and physical exercise are not only vital for the healthy development of the adolescent mind and body, but they also provide tools for a healthier lifestyle.
EfshariBari Breastfeeding, Family-Friendly Breastfeeding
The International Breastfeeding Week will take place again in Israel and around the world this year, and this time the emphasis is on the environment of new mothers.

Healthy Nutrition in Regular and Special Times in Kindergartens
Poster for kindergartens that do not provide meals

Israeli is healthy: in kindergartens
Healthy ideas for Independence Day for kindergarten teachers and educational staffs
Nutritional Rainbow Diet
Goodbye and thank you, food pyramid, Israel is moving forward. After extensive development efforts, the Nutrition Department in the Ministry of Health presents Israel's new nutritional guidelines.
Real Fruit Popsicles
No added sugar or flavor extracts, with lots of real fruit: a sweet and healthy recipe for home-made popsicles