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Healthy Nutrition: Your Way to Strengthen Your Immune System

The coronavirus vaccines are already here, and still our nutrition plays a crucial role in strengthening our body and our immune system and in protecting us from chronic and infectious diseases

The link between healthy nutrition and the body's durability

The new vaccine for coronavirus has once again raised issues relating to the functions of the immune system that protects us from pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. Just like any other system in the body, the immune system's functions require an input of energy and rely upon essential nutrients received from the food we eat for their uninterrupted operation: fatty acids, proteins, vitamins and minerals (including vitamins A, E, C, D, B, zinc, and selenium). The regular and ongoing supply of these nutrients in the right amounts supports the functions of the immune system and reduces the risks of infections.
Nutrition also affects the composition of intestinal bacteria – the microbiome that many studies link with the immune system's optimal functionality. Studies show a link between the body's nutritional status and its reaction to the influenza virus (you should remember that various parameters such as age and weight are linked with the decline in the immune capacity).

Healthy nutrition assists strengthening the immune system

For all the reasons listed above, healthy nutrition is essential for protection against coronavirus and coping with the virus. By contrast, nutritional deficiencies, malnutrition, imbalanced nutrition, and obesity impair this ability. Unfortunately, the new reality that we all live in since March 2020, which includes many restrictions on our activities and travel, lockdowns, tension, stress, and even anxiety, leads in many cases to changes that are not really positive to our lifestyle - and our nutrition. Many families report adverse effects on their healthy eating habits and shifts towards less healthy food. Some studies have reported that a significant portion of the population experienced a weight gain – 4.5 kg on average. These changes in our eating habits have various adverse effects on our health, such as the increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and so on.

Important to know

Many studies have shown that obesity, nutrient deficiencies (mainly of vitamins and minerals) and diabetes impair the body's ability to cope with diseases, including corona, and are associated with complications and risk of death from corona.

So, what is possible – and healthy – to do?

Adhere to healthy nutrition principles, in accordance with the nutritional guidelines in Israel. Now is the time to implement them as part of your routine to cope with the coronavirus pandemic:

  • Preferring fresh, seasonal vegetarian foods.
  • Diversifying throughout the day with olive oil, legumes, nuts, almonds and seeds, tahini, dairy products, or dairy substitutes.
  • Integrating protein-rich dishes throughout the week: chicken, eggs, and fish.
  • Seasoning as desired using fresh leaves and herbs.
  • Choosing food products with a green label.
  • Avoiding buying products that contain a large amount of saturated fats, sugar, and/or sodium. You can easily detect them based on their red icons. Click here to see the healthy grocery list.
  • Cooking our own meals at home and eating together. Family meals contribute to healthier eating habits and strengthen family bonds.

Further Reading

Frequently asked questions about nutrition during the coronavirus crisis, the Ministry of Health website (Hebrew)
Recommendations for parents for maintaining healthy eating habits during the coronavirus crisis, the Ministry of Health website (Hebrew)
The National Nutrition Guidelines (Hebrew)
Nutritional security and coronavirus, the Ministry of Health website (Hebrew)