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Watermelon Slushie

A cool summer dish, rich with vitamins A and C

2 large or 4 small servings


2 cups watermelon cubes


  1. Slice watermelon into cubes.
  2. Freeze for at least 4 hours.
  3. Decorate cups:
    • Apply green duct tape to the bottom of the cup.
    • Draw watermelon seeds with a permanent marker on the cup. 
  4. Blend the frozen watermelon in a blender.
  5. Divide into cups and serve.

Nutritional values

Portion Calories Protein Fat Carbs
The whole quantity 112 2 gr. 0.6 gr. 27 gr.
1 large serving 56 1 gr. 0.3 gr. 13.5 gr.
1 small serving 28 0.5 gr. 0.15 gr. 7 gr.

Video: preparing watermelon slushie (with Hebrew captions)