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Eat Healthy

Cucumber Roll

As a starter, snack or just “on the road”, with quality calcium from the cheese and a variety of vitamins from the colorful vegetables.

Eat Healthy

Mediterranean Tortilla

Colorful vegetables, a variety of legumes and wholegrains – all rolled together up to one tasty, quick and simple meal.

Eat Healthy

Garden Vegetable Pasta

An abundance of vegetables and herbs: zucchini, leeks, mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower and spinach with sun-dried tomatoes, olive oil, fresh herbs and grilled Tzfat cheese

Eat Healthy

The Red Symbols Are Coming to the Shelves

We will soon be able to tell at a glance if the food product has high amounts of sugar, fat and sodium that exceed the threshold set by the Ministry of Health.

Eat Healthy

Enriched Homemade Granola

No odd-sounding additives, much less fat and sugar, more ingredients rich in minerals and vitamins - this homemade granola is fun to make and eat by ourselves or send to someone we want to cheer

Eat Healthy

Less Sodium for Children – It’s Efsharibari

How can you reduce your children’s sodium intake and why is it important to start at a young age?

Eat Healthy

Europe Wants a Healthier Future: The Food and Nutrition Action Plan

Europe wants a healthier future: A new UN Action Plan works toward healthier nutrition

Well Being

Healthy Anywhere, Anytime: Emergency Routine

How can routine be maintained during emergencies? Tips for adults over 18

Eat Healthy

Switching to Drinking Water

It is not easy to change habits. In this article we answer frequently asked questions to help you or your child make the change.

Eat Healthy

Spelt Flour Crackers

Looking for something crispy that goes well with healthy spreads or beside vegetables, as an easy dish or at the park? Here is a simple recipe for crackers that will get the job done.

Being Active

Healthy and Active Lifestyle in the Education System During Wartime

Recommendations and educational materials for physical activity and a healthy lifestyle, applicable to both in-person and remote learning settings, as well as for centers internally displaced people.

Eat Healthy

The Harsh Cost of Soft Drinks

The numbers and data that you should be familiar with regarding the ingredients and adverse effects of sugar-sweetened beverages

Eat Healthy

Bread and Whole Grains

What are whole grains? Why should they be part of your diet and how will you know which bakery goods are (really) made of whole grains?

Eat Healthy

Food Deliveries for Families Evacuated from Their Homes

Would you like to donate? Have you decided to cook for families evacuated from their homes? It feels good for both the giver and the receiver.

Eat Healthy

Processed Foods - Cast Aside, Fresh Equals Efsharibari!

What are the definitions of processed and ultra-processed foods, why do we tend to consume too much of them, and what can be done so that even in your family you can cast the processed food aside?