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Healthy Anywhere, Anytime: Emergency Routine

How can routine be maintained during emergencies? Tips for adults over 18

A close look at stress and anxiety and the means to manage it effectively

During times when our stress system is activated on a daily basis and sometimes several times a day, concerns, distance from support circles at school and work, and a change in our familiar routine – all these affect us both mentally and physically.
During these complex times, it is difficult to influence the reality we live in, and stress can cloud our thinking, making it hazy and unclear.

From time to time, we have disturbing thoughts that are hard to shake. However, with a little help, we can help ourselves and manage our thoughts. It is extremely helpful to maintain a routine in crisis. What is an emergency routine? Maintaining a regular daily routine even when at home.

  • Sustain a cycle of sleep and wakefulness. Follow consistent sleep hours, by going to bed and waking up at reasonable hours.
  • Brush your teeth before going to bed and in the morning.
  • Eat regular meals during the day and eat healthy food.
  • Engaging in moderate physical activity is advised to release tension, even when at home.
  • Listen to music, read books, draw, and write.
  • Meet with friends in safe surroundings and discuss your sensations.
  • Take deep and slow breaths.
  • It is advisable to minimize exposure to the news and contents related to the war.

Maintaining our diet, monitoring the composition of our food, and adhering to regular meals can be challenging during times of war. We tend to take comfort in carbohydrates and sugar, and it is not a coincidence. These foods release dopamine, which boosts the mood for a short while and supposedly provides a sense of relief.
However, this relaxation is temporary and may even increase the sensations of anxiety and stress. A second before grabbing a candy, it is preferable to do some physical activity that will slightly relieve stress. We can cook healthy recipes with friends or family.

What foods can we add to our meals to nourish our body and mind?

Foods rich in zinc reduce stress. Nutritionists recommend adding sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, oatmeal, quinoa with chickpeas and lentils to a salad or yogurt. The biological explanation is that zinc lowers cortisol levels in the body (the cortisone hormone is produced in times of stress).

Foods rich in magnesium calm the nervous system. Foods rich with magnesium include Brazil nuts, whole grains, dark green vegetables (spinach and kale), tahini, soybeans, banana, and avocado.

Did you know that foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for brain health, can also reduce inflammation and prevent blood sugar spikes? This is the reason it is considered good for managing stress. It is advisable to add flaxseeds, fish, and walnuts to your meals.

Craving something sweet? Dark chocolate with high cocoa levels contains nutritional components. Any dark chocolate of 70 percent or more or coco powder contains high levels of antioxidants and magnesium and helps reduce blood pressure.

And another thing: it is always advisable to prefer water over sweet, high-sugar drinks that will get you addicted.

Now is a great time to try new foods that you have never tried before.
These days, it is good to be together, cook together, focus the family’s attention on the creative process of preparing a meal, and relieve the tension and anxiety caused by the complex situation.

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