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Healthy and Active Lifestyle in the Education System During Wartime

Recommendations and educational materials for physical activity and a healthy lifestyle, applicable to both in-person and remote learning settings, as well as for centers internally displaced people.

At the end of the Sukkot holiday in 2023, the students in Israel returned to school in the aftermath of a painful and tumultuous trauma, marked by uncertainty and a state of war. During an emergency, the implications for the regular school day are numerous. At times, it becomes impossible to conduct studies at schools as they are required to be organized differently and in a limited manner.

Currently, entire populations are displaced from their homes and residing in hotels in other localities. Handling this situation may vary based on the Home Front Command’s local instructions and in accordance with the local emergency situation. Additionally, managing the emotions of mourning, bereavement, and stress is another challenging aspect.

The experience of handling emergency situations and war enhanced the skills and tools of the education system and the community, enabling them to provide educational responses as well as pedagogical ones, even in the midst of difficult circumstances.
Many of the students today have also undergone experiences with remote studies and faced various disrupted study circumstances.

During emergencies, it is crucial to recognize that maintaining routines, engaging in studies, participating in activities, and having meetings with authority figures (especially consistent ones) and peer groups can significantly benefit children.
Physical activity, movement, healthy nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle have been shown to contribute to reducing stress and tension. Therefore, integrating physical activity into the curriculum is essential. Furthermore, it is advisable to incorporate these activities into other knowledge lessons.
Here are some links to teaching materials for the teaching staff, for both remote and in-person studies.

Tips for a healthy and active lifestyle among teenagers

Current recommendations on sleep, screen time, physical activity, and nutrition, for both students and parents.
Hebrew brochure: tips for a healthy and active lifestyle among teenagers
Arabic brochure: tips for a healthy and active lifestyle among teenagers

Teaching materials

Here is a diverse collection of teaching materials suitable for different ages and circumstances.
Additionally, we have compiled practical recommendations and ideas to enhance physical activity throughout the day.

In this folder, you will find motor-social games and sport activities for incorporation during lessons in primary schools:
Practical recommendations and ideas for enhancing physical activity throughout the day in primary schools

In this presentation, we have compiled practical recommendations and ideas to enhance physical activity in junior high and high schools, along with links to activities and videos:
Practical recommendations and ideas for enhancing physical activity throughout the day in junior high and high schools

Helping internally displaced people – a new field of study: lifestyle

Currently, many students have been displaced from their homes to hotels and guest houses. Teaching materials have been adapted to cater to these students and their unique circumstances. As part of the collaboration with the Primary Education Division and in preparation for establishing educational programs in centers for internally displaced people, as well as ensuring accessibility to relevant content, a decision has been made to develop the lifestyle field of study in conjunction with teaching core subjects such as language, mathematics, English, and science.
From the selection of topics within the unit, we decided to focus on three subjects: healthy nutrition, physical activity, and movement-body-spirit. This decision aims to provide the most effective response to both the teams and the children in the centers.
Physical activity and lifestyle: recommended lesson plans and activities for primary education

The ministries of health and education collaborate throughout the year as part of the national Efsharibari program to promote the support and development of practices of physical activity, healthy nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle in general. In addition to Efsharibari's direct collaboration with the Ministry of Education, the health coordinators’ activity in the local authorities, known as "Efsharibari in the City", helps in providing diverse responses for children and teenagers during these times.
In addition to the following information selection compiled especially for the wartime, you can find a wealth of additional information on the Efsharibari website.

For further reading

Efsharibari in the Educational System
Staying Active: Children and Adolescents
Israel Physical Activity Report Card for Children and Adolescents