Home workout
After a long time at home, it is clear that when we exercise and go outside less, it affects us.
It should be stressed: The exercises described here are intended for normally healthy individuals, without any respiratory symptoms or any diagnosed respiratory condition. Of course, these are only recommendations for exercises. They do not supersede any medical indications in case of a prior or current medical condition.
Knee to elbow
Raise one knee and touch it with the elbow of the opposite arm, then change sides. Find the pace that's most comfortable to you and best suits you (of course, you can do that while listening to an upbeat music that you like in the background). Try persisting with this exercise for up to 1-2 minutes, rest for a half a minute to a minute and repeat the exercise, up to 5 repetitions.
This exercise increases both your heart rate and your breathing.
"Plank" – Exercise with a static stomach and leaning on the forearms
Lie on your stomach on a flat surface or a rug and raise yourself by leaning on your forearms. You must make sure that your elbows touch the floor and are in a straight line beneath your shoulders. Raise your pelvis so your hips are high enough as to allow your back to be in a straight line with your head. Meanwhile, on the floor, only your forearms, your elbows and the soles of your feet touch the surface and you keep a straight back. Now breath and try to stay in this position for 20-30 (you can also stay longer if you're able to). Rest for 30-60 seconds and repeat, up to 5 repetitions.
This exercise strengthens your stomach, arms and legs.
Straightening your back while lying on your stomach
Lie on your stomach and touch your ears with the tips of your fingers. Now, start by raising and lowering your upper body, while your pelvis and your legs remain firmly on the surface. Do this exercise for 10-15 times (or more), rest for 30-60 seconds and repeat, up to 5 repetitions.
This exercise strengthens your back muscles.
Stand on a rug or on any other comfortable surface. Your feet should be firmly on the ground, and the distance between them should be about the same distance the pelvic bones. Turn your feet slightly outwards, to the sides of the body.
Start by bending your knees. Lower your pelvis while bending your knees and keeping your back straight, your heels on the grounds and your knees above (not in front of) your feet. Now get back up and straighten your legs.
Repeat this exercise for 10-15 times (or more), rest for 30-60 seconds and then repeat the exercise, up to 5 repetitions.
This exercise strengthens your leg muscles and buttocks muscles.
Side to side knee lifts
Stand on the surface with your legs slightly apart and both arms raised. Your elbows should be at shoulder height. Now raise your right knee and touch your left elbow. Then change sides and repeat, this time with the opposite knee and elbow. Continue this exercise for about 1-2 minutes, at the pace that suits you. You can of course do that while listening to an upbeat music that you like in the background.
Rest for 30-60 seconds and then repeat the exercise, up to 5 repetitions.
This exercise increases both your heart rate and your breathing.
"Superman" pose
Place your arms beneath your shoulders and your knees beneath your hips (six points stance). Stretch your right arm forward while stretching your left leg backwards. Then change sides: Stretch your left arm forward while stretching your right leg backwards
Repeat this exercise for 20-30 times (or more), rest for 30-60 seconds and then repeat the exercise, up to 5 repetitions.
This exercise strengthens your stomach muscles, your buttocks muscles and your back muscles.
Pelvic lifts
Lie on your back on a rug or any other comfortable surface. Lift your pelvis with your feet and shoulders firmly pressed against the surface, even when your arms are stretched sideways on the surface for additional support. Repeatedly and gradually, lift and lower your hips.
Repeat this exercise for 10-15 times (or more), rest for 30-60 seconds and then repeat the exercise, up to 5 repetitions.
This exercise strengthens your buttocks muscles.
Reverse squats with a chair
Place a stead chair on your workout surface or rug. Stand with your back to the chair and slowly move your pelvis down, with your hands holding on to the seat of the chair, your legs folded and your feet on the floor about a half meter in front of you. Now bend your arms behind your back, while gradually lowering your buttocks towards the surface. Then, pull your hips back up while straightening your arms.
Repeat this exercise for 10-15 times (or more), rest for 30-60 seconds and then repeat the exercise, up to 5 repetitions.
This exercise strengthens your posterior arm muscles.
Flexing exercises for the chest wall
Cross your fingers behind your back. Stretch your arms and push the chest wall forward. Stay in this position for up to 20-30 seconds (or more).
This position flexes the chest wall and the shoulders.
Stand on the surface and sit down to a crouching positions. Lean forward with your arms stretched before you, your buttocks touching your heels and your head almost touching the surface. Press your stomach to your thighs and actively stretch your arms forward. Continue breathing normally. Stay in this position for about 20 to 30 seconds before returning to your upright position.
This position flexes the back, the shoulders and the sides of your body.
Lotus Position / Meditation Sitting
Sit comfortably on the floor with your legs crossed (Alternately, you may also sit on a chair). Make sure that your back is straight. Close your eyes, relax your body and take deep breaths.
Now focus on breathing. Try not to dwell on any thoughts or cares.
Stand in this position for up to 5-10 minutes or more, mostly to relax and clear your mind.
Legs to the wall
Lie on your back, with the rest of surface next to the wall. Now raise your legs up and press your hips to the wall (about 5-10 cm), lean your legs against the wall and let the body rest.
This is the time to close your eyes, relax your body and take deep breaths.
Rest for at least 5 minutes. During that time, focus on breathing in and out and try not to dwell on any thoughts or worries. In the end, gently and carefully get up from your lying position.
This exercise is supposed to be comfortable, relaxing and stress relieving.