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Well Being

Emergency Routine with Children

How do you create a routine during emergencies at home? How do you enhance resilience among children? What can be done, and what should not be done?

Well Being

Healthy Anywhere, Anytime: Emergency Routine

How can routine be maintained during emergencies? Tips for adults over 18

Eat Healthy

Nutritional Security: the Significant Role of Nutrition in Combatting Corona

Not just a mask and alcogel: healthy nutrition also protects against complications of the coronavirus, and so accessibility to healthy foods for all of us is especially important now

Being Active

Stairs: One Small Step for one Big Change for Your Health

Why and how to begin: Taking the stairs as part of your everyday routine will make your daily life much more active and healthier

Fresh, Healthy and Educational: Vegetable Gardens at Preschools

From garden to plate: the initiative for making healthier nutritional habits which is part of the routine at preschools. It’s possible at your preschool too!

Eat Healthy

Nutrition During Wartime

During wartime, eating habits often change; at times, swallowing becomes challenging, and at other times, people continue to eat. We can support those around us in managing these situations.

Eat Healthy

Efsharibari is All About Family Meals

One family meal a day can reduce the risk of obesity in adolescents

Being Active

Staying Active at Any Age: 18+

At school, at work, in family life – between all the chores and tasks in the race of life, it is worth finding time to be active. How to do it right and what are the (many) benefits?

Eat Healthy

A Study: Mediterranean Diet Health Benefits

Better health metrics were sustained even a year after Mediterranean diet and moderate exercise were discontinued

Being Active

Every Minute Counts – Exercise ‘As You Go’

Any age, any season, any time: we have gathered all the information and recommendations to allow you to be active and enjoy the many health benefits of physical activity

Health-Promoting Schools

The ministry of Health and Ministry of Education in an EfshariBari initiative: Health-Promoting Schools

Efsharibari Report 2020

Summary of the activities of the national program for an active and healthy lifestyle in 2020

Well Being

How to Stay Smoke-Free During Stressful Situations and Crises

Worried about picking up smoking again? There are ways to prevent it and cope with the situation.

Eat Healthy

'Efsharibari' Breastfeeding: Gaining Strength

This year, Breastfeeding Promotion Week 2020 is focused on the importance of breastfeeding to the strength and resilience of babies and mothers alike.