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Efsharibari in the Educational System 2022

A summary of the activities of the Efsharibari National Program for Active and Healthy Living in the educational system in 2022.

In 2022, the Efsharibari National Program continued to expand its activities in the educational system as well as its current collaborations. The annual report provides a snapshot of the policies, legislation, and regulations developed, the inter-ministerial objectives, the initiatives, and the content and program development done in 2022. The report focuses on the program's achievements in 2022.

The following are particularly noteworthy among the many activities and developments:

  • Instilling a revised program in health-promoting schools: "Choosing Healthy".
  • Financial grants to health-promoting schools: "Choosing Healthy.
  • Producing the pamphlet "Celebrate It", a practical guidebook for a happy celebration at home and in the educational institutes.
  • Increasing funding for professional development for educational and teaching staffs.
  • Holding joint conferences for officials in both the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education.
  • Conducting competitions and joint initiatives in the area of health promotion.
  • Creating online kits that provide knowledge, tools, and skills for promoting an active and healthy lifestyle for schools, kindergartens, and children, in collaboration with the Research and Development Division in the Ministry of Education.
  • Updating healthy nutrition standards and regulations relating to the sale of food in a circular letter on the issue of nutrition and education for healthy nutrition in educational institutions (HE).

We invite you to explore the activities of the Efsharibari National Program in the educational system and its accomplishments in 2022.

Download the full report (HE)