During wartime, eating habits often change significantly due to disruptions and stress.
Often, these changes are followed by emotional eating. It is crucial to remain mindful of this and strive to uphold a healthy eating routine for the sake of your mental and physical health, both now and in the future.
Why it is crucial to be mindful of nutrition at this time?
Healthy nutrition positively affects the body and its ability to manage complex situations. The body and soul are intertwined; consuming healthy food promotes our mental well-being, and vice versa. The war will not last forever. We should try to avoid developing unhealthy habits that will harm us later.
Coping and containment as a foundation for a healthy nutrition process
The events of October the 7th, along with the sights of war, leave a profound imprint on the soul and body. The effects are shifts in mood as well as alterations in sleeping and eating habits.
Some of us find it challenging to eat and swallow food, just as it is difficult to digest harsh events. Conversely, others react oppositely and eat constantly without even realizing it.
We can help ourselves and the people around us cope with these situations by containing our stress, fostering belief in our body's ability to heal, and taking action. Containing, fostering belief, and taking action:
- Containment: the difficulty to resume an eating routine is normal in an abnormal situation. It takes time for both our bodies and minds to recover.
- Belief: our body and soul have remarkable recovery and resilience mechanisms. Trust them to gradually resume your regular eating and drinking habits.
- Goal: make gradual progress in improving your eating habits, step by step.
- Action: there are things you can do to help yourself during this period.
Actions to improve our eating habits during wartime
- Maintain a regular eating schedule: regular meals will be an anchor of routine in the daily chaos.
- Eat together: this will enhance a sense of belonging and togetherness.
- Fill your pantry with healthy foods and drinking water: this will help you make healthy choices.
- Maintain a positive attitude and discourse: both towards yourselves and your children, even when it is difficult to make healthy choices.
Shared meals create a daily routine
- It is recommended to determine a daily routine with predetermined mealtimes. Planning and order will be an anchor in the chaos and uncertainty. During meals, avoid the use of screens and mobile devices.
- Shared meals with family or friends are recommended. Dining together enhances a sense of security and belonging. It creates a chance to converse and share experiences with each other. Cooking together and preparing meals that the children like is also recommended.
A pantry and refrigerator that are stocked with nutritious options
The children move around the house, and we are troubled and frequently open the fridge. Therefore, it becomes essential to ensure that both the pantry and refrigerator are stocked with nutritious options. This way, it will be easier to choose healthy foods for preparing a meal or to snack on fruits and vegetables we have cut in advance in between meals. Keep cool water at hand.
The Nutritional Rainbow aims to promote healthy eating at home. When you avoid buying foods marked with the red label, you will also avoid eating them!
Positive discourse
It is essential to use positive and soothing language, even when we do not succeed in producing a regular routine and healthy eating. Positive discourse is essential for us and for our children and adolescents. They comprehend and might interpret negative language in a detrimental manner during these challenging times.
Therefore, instead of dwelling on failures, counting calories and kilograms, or insisting on finishing every bit on the plate, we should foster a positive discourse, for example finding joy in preparing a delicious meal or focusing positively on the children when they enjoy eating fruits and vegetables.
You can get help
Do not go through this alone! If you are concerned about your condition or that of your children, contact your HMO through the website or call center and speak with a nutritionist who specializes in mental health.
Nutrition during wartime - downloadable presentation in Hebrew