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Eat Healthy

Bread and Whole Grains

What are whole grains? Why should they be part of your diet and how will you know which bakery goods are (really) made of whole grains?

Efsharibari in the City: Ma'alot-Tarshiha

A city nestled amidst the Galilee mountains, comprising of historic and modern neighborhoods, woods, parks, and a lake, promoting the health and wellbeing of its residents is a paramount goal.

Eat Healthy

Legumes – What They Are and Why You Should Consume Them Daily

Legumes are nutritious, satisfying, inexpensive and good for the environment

Well Being

Healthy Anywhere, Anytime: Emergency Routine

How can routine be maintained during emergencies? Tips for adults over 18

Eat Healthy

Tap Water – Clearly Healthy, Especially in the Summer

Drinking tap water in Israel is safe. It is crucial to drink more, especially when temperatures rise. How the water reaches our tap, why it is recommended to drink it, and more.

Eat Healthy

The Nutritional Rainbow Diet for Healthy Nutrition

Eating Efsharibari according to the Ministry of Health's national nutritional recommendations

Efsharibari in the City: Ashkelon

Ashkelon, with its growing population, boasts not only its scenic sea-facing hills, ample greenery, and park spaces, but also infrastructure aimed at promoting the well-being of its residents.

Eat Healthy

Processed Foods - Cast Aside, Fresh Equals Efsharibari!

What are the definitions of processed and ultra-processed foods, why do we tend to consume too much of them, and what can be done so that even in your family you can cast the processed food aside?

Eat Healthy

Less Sodium – Better Health

What is sodium, why is it concealed in so many foods (sweet ones too!) and why shouldn’t we consume too much of it?

Eat Healthy

Healthy Nutrition as Reinforcement for Children's Spirits During Wartime

The emergency and anxiety affect our children's eating and health. Understanding the difficulties and recommended actions will help parents, teachers and others in the community protect their health.

Efsharibari in the City: Ramla

With a rich and fascinating history, Ramla is moving forward to promote the health of its residents with several new initiatives.

Measurement and Assessment in Efsharibari

Summary of measurement and assessment tools for diverse needs including mapping of needs, systematic monitoring and control, examination of results and continuous improvement