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Being Active

How to Keep Going for Walks Even During Wartime

Did you stop going out for walks due to concerns? Do you keep walking outside but feel insecure? We gathered some tips that may be helpful.

Health-Promoting Schools

The ministry of Health and Ministry of Education in an EfshariBari initiative: Health-Promoting Schools

Being Active

Resources and Professional Support of Various Bodies

Looking for more informed related-parties? Looking for agencies that provide relevant services such as: guidance, counseling and accompaniment?

Efsharibari in the City: Kiryat Gat

The city in the Lakhish Region, which is expected to triple in population within a decade, makes efforts to harness the rapid development to promote the health of both elderly and young residents.

Efsharibari Around the World

Obesity, no physical activity, spending hours in front of screens, and smoking are challenges many countries share. What do they do about it? How do you say Efsharibari in French?

Being Active

Physical Activity Improves the Body's Metabolism

Now it's backed by science: short and intensive physical activity improves a long line of important indices of cardiovascular health as well as the fat burning rate

Well Being

Smoke Free City – 2014

A smoke free city is where the local authority assumes a commitment to reduce the extent of smoking, establishing a clear policy of keeping and maintaining smoke-free environments

Being Active

Keeping Active Even with the Coronavirus Restrictions: Any Place, Any Time, It's Efsharibari

Activities, clubs and unrestricted movement have yet to be fully restored. In order for us to maintain an active and healthier lifestyle, we present you with several simple and enjoyable suggestions.

Being Active

Stairs: One Small Step for one Big Change for Your Health

Why and how to begin: Taking the stairs as part of your everyday routine will make your daily life much more active and healthier

Efsharibari in the City: Modi'in-Maccabim-Re'ut

Parks and promenades, open fitness facilities and bicycle paths are only the beginning of health-promoting initiatives and new infrastructure in Modi'in-Maccabim-Re'ut.

Well Being

Adult Sleep During Wartime

Are you experiencing sleep disturbances? Do you have trouble falling asleep? Do you wake up in the middle of the night and struggle to go back to sleep?

Efsharibari in the City: Beit Shemesh

Beit Shemesh, with its mix of older and newer neighborhoods, diverse population, and rapid growth, faces new challenges in promoting the health of its residents.

Efsharibari in the City: Ramla

With a rich and fascinating history, Ramla is moving forward to promote the health of its residents with several new initiatives.

Efsharibari in the City: Ma'alot-Tarshiha

A city nestled amidst the Galilee mountains, comprising of historic and modern neighborhoods, woods, parks, and a lake, promoting the health and wellbeing of its residents is a paramount goal.

Efsharibari in the City: Acre

With close to 50,000 residents, a coastal strip, an old city, and new neighborhoods, Acre continues developing and implementing programs and contents to promote the health of the residents.