Resources and professional support: Healthy Nutrition
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Culture and Sports
Ministry of Economy and Industry
Resources and professional support: Healthy Nutrition
Ministry of Health - Food and Nutrition
Information page on the Ministry of Health's Website: recommendations and additional information on healthy nutrition
Atid – Israel Dieticians and Nutritionist Association (Hebrew)
The association is the professional body that unites all dietitians in Israel. On the website you can look for qualified dietitians / nutritionists and suggestions for healthy nutrition at minimal costs (Hebrew).
Resources and professional support: Physical Activity
Sports Administration at the Ministry of Culture and Sport (through local authority sports departments)
For all matters related to sports and physical activity, you can apply for support and professional assistance from sports department managers in local authorities who work under supervision and in coordination with the Ministry of Culture and Sport – the Sports Administration. Local authorities in Israel can be contacted through the details provided on the Federation of Local Authorities Website.
Israel Sports Facilities Website
Map prepared by the Sports Director at the Ministry of Culture and Sports, which allows you to locate all sports facilities that are in a given geographical area, free or paid, such as sports fields, gyms, pools and more. You are welcome to start scrolling and “walking” the map and find your area, which activities are taking place and be active close to home.
Contact sport associations in Israel
You can contact sport associations in Israel to get information about events you can participate on behalf of your workplace or individually on the websites of the Ministry of Culture and Sports, Israel Sport Association and the League for Sports in Workplaces - Hapoel Center.
You can also contact sport associations directly:
Israel Sport Association
National Petanque League
Israeli Athletics Association
The Israeli Triathlon Association
Israel Orienteering Association
Etgarim: Israel Association for the Disabled
List of sporting activities in Israel
Resources and professional support: Smoke Free Environment
Department for the prevention of smoking and alcohol abuse at the Ministry of Health
This division is in chrage of the enforcement of the Law for for the Prevention of Smoking in Public Places and the training of related supervisors and entities. It addresses complaints regarding smoking at the workplace.
Israel Cancer Association
This association's goal is reducing cancer morbidity and mortality. It arranges lectures about the damages caused by smoking and adult smoking rehabilitation sessions for institutions and organizations.
Medical Society for Smoking Prevention and Rehabilitation
Part of the Israel Medical Association
Resources and professional support: Employee Safety
National Insurance Institute - Manof Fund
Fund of the National Insurance Institute that assists leading activities related to safety and health.
Israel Institute for Occupational Safety and Hygiene
The Israel Institute for Occupational Safety and Hygiene promotes activities relating to safety and hygiene in the workplace.
Organization for Safety and Hygiene Supervisors in Israel
Public Health Association
This association develops various services for prevention and treatment in the community level, supervision and training and occupational rehabilitation services.
Resources and professional support: an environment that supports breastfeeding
Ministry of Health Brochures about Breastfeeding
Brochures with information about breastfeeding
Israeli Association of Certified Lactation Consultants
This associaiton promotes and supports breastfeeding and provides a list of certified lactation consultants.
Resources and professional support: Health Promotion
The websites of HMOs provide considerable information and knowldge. HMOs organzie smoking rehabilitation sessions, weight loss groups, physical activity groups, groups for diabetics etc. You can encourage employees to approach such sessions, some of which are subsidized. You can contact HMOs directly to check the contects and costs of such activities at the workplace.
Healthy Cities Network
Israel Association of Community Centers
Resources and professional support: International information
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Workplace health promotion - planning, implementing and evaluating existing plans
The CDC's Workplace Health Model
World Health Organization
Models for action at workplaces, with employess, policy makers and professionals
European Union Information Agency for Occupational Safety and Health (EU-OSHA)
Report reviewing health promotion in the European Union
Review of literature regarding factors that affect employees’ motivation to participate in workplace health promotion plans
Occupational health and safety agency in Victoria, Australia
Practical guide for professionals seeking to promote health at the workplace