Tap Water – Clearly Healthy, Especially in the Summer
Drinking tap water in Israel is safe. It is crucial to drink more, especially when temperatures rise. How the water reaches our tap, why it is recommended to drink it, and more.
Efsharibari Breastfeeding - Preventive Medicine for Life
Scientific studies prove that breastfeeding and breast milk reduce the risk of morbidity in children and mothers while contributing to everyone’s health.
Breastfeeding in Times of Emergency and Stress
Read about the special benefits of breastfeeding during extreme situations and stress, about how to support nursing mothers, and about the special circumstances for nourishing babies.
Breastfeeding Week 2023: EfshariBari to Breastfeed - a Smart Investment
How does breastfeeding improve the health of mothers and babies while saving money and protecting the environment? New data was published before Breastfeeding Week 2023.
Healthy Diet During Pregnancy
During pregnancy the body changes and the diet needs to change with it. Which foods are recommended during this time and which foods should be avoided?
A Healthy Diet for the First 1,000 Days of a Child’s Life
From the beginning of pregnancy until age 2 – the first 1,000 day of a child’s life are critical to the development of the embryo
Breastfeeding Week 2022: Efsharibari to Breastfeed – Breast Milk from the First Drop
This time breastfeeding week focuses the beginning of breastfeeding. What you should know even before the baby is born, what measures you should take, and who can help.
Breastfeeding Week 2021 is Held Under the Title "It is Efsharibari to Breastfeed – with You at All Times"
This year too we celebrate International Breastfeeding Week in Israel and around the world. We saw fit to zoom in on breastfeeding during emergency and stressful situations.
EfshariBari Breastfeeding – a Healthy Start in Life
Important information for deciding whether to breastfeed: health, developmental and cognitive benefits of breastfeeding and their impact later on in life
EfshariBari Breastfeeding, Family-Friendly Breastfeeding
The International Breastfeeding Week will take place again in Israel and around the world this year, and this time the emphasis is on the environment of new mothers.
Every Minute Counts – Exercise ‘As You Go’
Any age, any season, any time: we have gathered all the information and recommendations to allow you to be active and enjoy the many health benefits of physical activity
'Efsharibari' Breastfeeding: Gaining Strength
This year, Breastfeeding Promotion Week 2020 is focused on the importance of breastfeeding to the strength and resilience of babies and mothers alike.
'Efsharibari' Breastfeeding Sticker: You Can Breastfeed Here
Shopping malls, businesses and organizations declare: You can 'EfshariBari breastfeed' here

Efsharibari breastfeeding: Mother's milk from the first drop
Logo with transparent background - Hebrew

Efsharibari breastfeeding: Mother's milk from the first drop
Logo with transparent background - Arabic