Photo taken by: Nir Vadel
Kiryat Bialik Regional Council: Introduction
Number of residents: 40,200
Socio-economic index: 7
Head of authority: Eli Dokorski
Health coordinator: Or Sahlev
Head of the health committee: Lior Taragan
Year of joining Efsharibari in the City: 2020
Website: Kiryat Bialik Municipality
The council’s vision and the importance of health
Kiryat Bialik joined the Efsharibari in the City project in 2020 as part of the Society and Community Division.
The project's primary objective is to serve all members of the community, from infancy to seniority. Furthermore, Efsharibari not only encourages an active lifestyle but also enables the improvement and promotion of the physical environment.
Health-promoting policy
Upon joining the Efsharibari in the City project, the council prioritized the development of policies in three key areas:
- Addition of physical activity time for school children
- Provision of healthy refreshments and water at meetings and organized by council
- Enforcement of the prohibition of smoking in public areas as per the requirements outlined in the report presented to the Minister of Health
Improving the physical environment
In 2020, several physical activity facilities were built in various neighborhoods in the city, with a particular focus on promoting both individual and community physical activities:
- The first workout park was built in the Givat Harakafot quarter
- Five circular walking trails and workout spots along the tracks were mapped and publicized
Bicycle and walking trails in a fenced promenade in Kiryat Bialik. Photo taken by: Nir Vadel
Efsharibari in the community
The Anyone Can program, walking groups for older adults (ages 75 and older): in 2020, three walking groups were set up for the first time, and in 2021, a fourth group was formed. These groups were designed to suit the needs of the elderly population, with some of them specifically tailored for Russian-speaking older adults. Furthermore, the walking group participants attend a monthly lecture on various health-related topics, including fall prevention for older adults, healthy eating habits, the significance of physical activity, and sleeping habits.
Adapted equipment for the day centers has been bought to upgrade the groups’ physical activity, and now an individual workout is possible as well.
Unique program: “A jumping rope for the whole class” - promoting physical activity among 2nd graders
A project has been launched to promote an active lifestyle by introducing and experimenting with an easy and accessible device for physical activity, in line with the Ministry of Health’s objectives relating to high-intensity physical activity. As part of the project, four lesson plans were created on the issue of jumping ropes and their different uses. These included instructions on teaching jumping, exercises, independent exercises at home, competitions, and games. All the pupils received a jumping rope for free and an explanatory leaflet for the parents, including a description of the project and recommendations from the Ministry of Health.
- The project was conducted in conjunction with the Education Division in the municipality, the schools’ administration, and the physical activity teachers
- The project’s achievements in terms of number of participants, reported or observed changes, and so on: the program started as a pilot in 8 classes in 2020 and it is going to be expanded to all 2nd grade classes in the city in 2021.
"A jumping rope for the whole class" program
Efsharibari in education
Health promoting schools in 2019
Elementary schools: 3
High schools: 1
Link to the full map of health promoting education institutions
Key programs in the education system
In-service training for teachers/kindergarten teachers/principals in the education system in 2019-2020. It is preferable to indicate both a specific number and the corresponding percentage range: training guides in elementary schools on the issue of physical activity and active play.
The children of Kiryat Bialik keep the rules
A creative workbook for the city’s children has been developed (kindergarten and first grade). The workbook provides guidance and instructions from the Ministry of Health on how to cope with COVID-19 creatively and enjoyably. A total of 2,500 workbooks were printed, and a downloadable and printable version of the workbook is also available for use at home.
Link to the workbook (Hebrew)
Publicity campaigns and peak events
- Social media campaign: For choosing the green symbol products and Efsharibari bread
- Walking day publications: including 5 circular walking trails in the city and a prize for those sending photos from the different walking trails
- “The children of Kiryat Bialik keep the rules”: a creative workbook for the children has been published for downloading and printing at home. 2500 booklets were distributed among kindergartens and first grade classes.
Further reading
Efsharibari in the City: map of participating local authorities and companies (Hebrew)
Efsharibari in the City guide for local authorities (Hebrew)