In 2019 the scope of the Efsharibari National Program saw significant expansion, with dozens of local authorities joining "Efsharibari in the City," having met the criteria, while cooperation with authorities and additional ministries expanded significantly. For the first time, the program has launched a massive media campaign, both on television and digital media.
The following achievements stood out in the various fields of activity:
- 43 local authorities, home to 4.7 million residents constituting 52% of Israel's population, are now members of "Esharibari in the City."
- A continued increase in the number of health-promoting schools and preschools
- Developing and distributing task-specific programs and guidebooks for teaching staff: "Cooking Efsharibari," "Eating That," "Going for It," "Healthy from the Start."
- We are promoting a healthier food environment: preparing for the food labeling regulations' legal effect, developing new nutritional guidelines, drawing the committee's recommendations regarding the limitation on the advertising of harmful food to children.
- Regulatory changes in association with the Tax Authority (recognizing the expenditure on fruits and vegetables as healthy refreshments) and the Civil Service Commission (physical activity for employees and healthier refreshments).
- Peak in the scope and the number of participants in the World Walk Day, organized with the Ministry of Culture and Sports.
- Extensive media campaign on television, digital media, and social media: "Leaving Processed Food Behind".