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More Walk Trails – More Happy Residents

It turns out that by improving infrastructures that encourage physical activity in public spaces, local authorities can help residents become happier.

Food Deliveries for Families Evacuated from Their Homes

Would you like to donate? Have you decided to cook for families evacuated from their homes? It feels good for both the giver and the receiver.

Staying in Motion in Your Golden Years: Active and Healthy

Being active at an older age: what type of physical activity is recommended, how much time should we spend exercising and what should we be concerned with?

Smoke Free City – 2014

A smoke free city is where the local authority assumes a commitment to reduce the extent of smoking, establishing a clear policy of keeping and maintaining smoke-free environments

Efsharibari Report 2020

Summary of the activities of the national program for an active and healthy lifestyle in 2020

Efsharibari in the City: Kfar Saba

Amidst orchards and high-tech compounds, with a mix of old and new neighborhoods, Kfar Saba launches an initiative to promote the health of its residents.

Efsharibari in the City: Ramla

With a rich and fascinating history, Ramla is moving forward to promote the health of its residents with several new initiatives.

Efsharibari in the City: Petah Tikva

The people of Petah Tikva, renowned "Mother of the Moshavot", aspire to lead the development of infrastructure and initiatives that promote health and well-being.

Efsharibari in the City 2022: The Old and New Authorities that Work for the Health of the Residents

The fourth year of the project sees a new route for supporting the authorities in the early stages of establishing a health unit and a leap in health promotion activities in the authorities

Efsharibari Report 2019

Activity report of the National Program for Active and Healthy Living for the year 2019

About Children and Screens

Despite screens are everywhere, intelligent use of them will allow to grow a healthy and active generation.

Efsharibari in the City: Ma'alot-Tarshiha

A city nestled amidst the Galilee mountains, comprising of historic and modern neighborhoods, woods, parks, and a lake, promoting the health and wellbeing of its residents is a paramount goal.

Staying in Motion: Games From Olden Days

Play, be active and stay healthy: 60 ideas for being active with the kids, at school, at home or in the garden

EfshariBari Passover

Smell the flowers, catch-up on quality time with the family and enjoy an active and healthy holiday. The spring break can also be EfshariBari.

Less Advertising Slogans – More Health Benefits

Almost all parents know that encouraging children to eat or at least try, healthier food is a challenge. What can you do? Research is here to help