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Eat Healthy

Healthy Nutrition: Your Way to Strengthen Your Immune System

The coronavirus vaccines are already here, and still our nutrition plays a crucial role in strengthening our body and our immune system and in protecting us from chronic and infectious diseases

Eat Healthy

Fresh is EfshariBari: The Recipes

Quick and easy recipes: Simple cooking for the entire family. Every recipe has common ingredients combined with products children don’t usually try

Being Active

Staying in Motion in Your Golden Years: Active and Healthy

Being active at an older age: what type of physical activity is recommended, how much time should we spend exercising and what should we be concerned with?

Well Being

About Children and Screens

Despite screens are everywhere, intelligent use of them will allow to grow a healthy and active generation.

Efsharibari in the City: Jezreel Valley

With 15 kibbutzim, 14 moshavim, 7 community settlements, and 2 villages, the Jezreel Valley regional council develops sports and tourism infrastructure to promote the residents’ health.

Eat Healthy

Even When Not Getting Out of Home - It is Possible to Eat Healthy

Even if we are at home because of fear of coronavirus infection, it is possible to keep us well with a healthy and effective diet.

Eat Healthy

New Government Dietary Guidelines

Eat natural, colorful food, with familiar, favorite flavors and smells – and mainly eat healthier food. Everything you need to know about the Ministry of Health’s dietary guidelines and their health

Eat Healthy

Healthy Nutrition According to the Weekly Torah Portions and the Holidays

The connection between the recommendations for healthy nutrition and the Torah values and the guidance of the Torah sages is presented through a collection of materials and an illustrated book.

Eat Healthy

Growing Up Healthy: Healthy Diet During Adolescence

Healthy nutrition and physical exercise are not only vital for the healthy development of the adolescent mind and body, but they also provide tools for a healthier lifestyle.

Being Active

Staying Active During Pregnancy Too

During pregnancy, exercise can help maintain a proper course of pregnancy as well as prepare the body for childbirth. But how should you get started? And how do you stay motivated over time?

Being Active

Keeping Active Even with the Coronavirus Restrictions: Any Place, Any Time, It's Efsharibari

Activities, clubs and unrestricted movement have yet to be fully restored. In order for us to maintain an active and healthier lifestyle, we present you with several simple and enjoyable suggestions.

'Efsharibari' Breastfeeding Sticker: You Can Breastfeed Here

Shopping malls, businesses and organizations declare: You can 'EfshariBari breastfeed' here

EfshariBari Birthday

With cake – but with less snacks and sweets with lots of saturated fat, sugar and sodium: more and more preschools and schools are already celebrating healthier birthdays

Well Being

Relieving Stress: About Workplace Stress and How to Deal With It

Work related stress is a common characteristic of working in the modern world. What is stress and what can be done to prevent it and reduce its negative effects?

Eat Healthy

Children Eat Healthily: At Home, Preschool and School

Healthy Diet Education: In preschool and school, children not only learn writing, reading and social skills, but also establish dietary concepts and habits for life