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Being Active

To Stay Active, Even at Home - #it's_EfsahriBari

Physical activity, even such that can be performed alone, without leaving home or even a room, helps with alleviating stress, preserving and strengthening of muscles and bones.

Well Being

Efsharibari any Place any Time: Coping with Emergency and Pressure Situations

How do we recognize negative feelings and thoughts among children and teens on time, and how do we better cope with them?

The 'Milestone Project' for People With Disabilities

People living with disabilities are at a higher risk of chronic disease. Therefore, it is especially important to encourage physical activity in these populations to help them improve life quality.

Climbing to Health: Encouraging the Use of Stairs in the Workplace

A task-specific kit that includes professional background, mapping and training tools, signposts, and contents designed for printing or distribution through social and organizational networks

Hanukkah in the Colors of the Rainbow

A healthy Hanukkah vacation in the spirit of the new nutritional rainbow

Eat Healthy

Breastfeeding Week 2021 is Held Under the Title "It is Efsharibari to Breastfeed – with You at All Times"

This year too we celebrate International Breastfeeding Week in Israel and around the world. We saw fit to zoom in on breastfeeding during emergency and stressful situations.

Being Active

World Walking Day 2022: Every Minute Counts!

On 28.10.2022 we all go for it: Initiatives and activities in local councils, in the education system, in the workplace and also – in nature. Because anywhere and anytime, it's Efsharibari!

EfshariBari Passover

Smell the flowers, catch-up on quality time with the family and enjoy an active and healthy holiday. The spring break can also be EfshariBari.

Eat Healthy

EfshariBari Breastfeeding, Family-Friendly Breastfeeding

The International Breastfeeding Week will take place again in Israel and around the world this year, and this time the emphasis is on the environment of new mothers.

Being Active

More Walk Trails – More Happy Residents

It turns out that by improving infrastructures that encourage physical activity in public spaces, local authorities can help residents become happier.

Being Active

Zazoom! Keeping Active Even while Seated in Front of the Screen at Home or Work

Do you feel like your attention and energy levels drop during your workday after hours in front of the screen and video meetings that never end? Take a few moments to exercise while seated.

Efsharibari in the City: Kiryat Gat

The city in the Lakhish Region, which is expected to triple in population within a decade, makes efforts to harness the rapid development to promote the health of both elderly and young residents.

Eat It: Healthy Nutrition Education in Schools

A new and unique program from the education and health ministries as part of the EfshariBari National Project: Nutrition Education as part of the school curriculum for all age groups

Go for It: 90 More Minutes of Being Active and Healthy Every Week

A new hands-on guide with various suggestions for incorporating an additional 90 minutes of exercise per week for students in school: lessons, recess, and special activities.

Eat Healthy

Healthy Nutrition as Reinforcement for Children's Spirits During Wartime

The emergency and anxiety affect our children's eating and health. Understanding the difficulties and recommended actions will help parents, teachers and others in the community protect their health.