Eat Healthy
Switching to Drinking Water
It is not easy to change habits. In this article we answer frequently asked questions to help you or your child make the change.
Eat Healthy
It is not easy to change habits. In this article we answer frequently asked questions to help you or your child make the change.
Eat Healthy
Drinking tap water in Israel is safe. It is crucial to drink more, especially when temperatures rise. How the water reaches our tap, why it is recommended to drink it, and more.
Eat Healthy
Hosts stop feeling uncomfortable and start serving water: the Ministry of Health and Efsharibari campaign review the habits and norms of drinking sweetened beverages
Eat Healthy
Eating Efsharibari according to the Ministry of Health's national nutritional recommendations
Eat Healthy
One family meal a day can reduce the risk of obesity in adolescents
Eat Healthy
Even if we are at home because of fear of coronavirus infection, it is possible to keep us well with a healthy and effective diet.
Eat Healthy
If you take into account all aspects and consequences, it turns out that buying healthy food isn't only more expensive – it is even more economical
Eat Healthy
Eat natural, colorful food, with familiar, favorite flavors and smells – and mainly eat healthier food. Everything you need to know about the Ministry of Health’s dietary guidelines and their health
Eat Healthy
Why is it important and particularly beneficial to include fruit and vegetables in our daily diet and how can we persuade children to like vegetables?
Being Active
The daily goal of 10,000 steps became popular, but is it evidence-based? How many steps a day are recommended? This article reviews a number of studies and the conclusion is surprising!
Being Active
Play, be active and stay healthy: 60 ideas for being active with the kids, at school, at home or in the garden
Being Active
Not only after school or special activities: everything that’s important to know about active lives for children and adolescents and how to turn physical activity into family quality time
Well Being
How do we recognize negative feelings and thoughts among children and teens on time, and how do we better cope with them?
Well Being
Despite screens are everywhere, intelligent use of them will allow to grow a healthy and active generation.
Well Being
Everything you need to know about the Prohibition of Advertising and Restriction of Marketing of Tobacco Products Law, 1983