Being Active
Physical Activity Improves the Body's Metabolism
Now it's backed by science: short and intensive physical activity improves a long line of important indices of cardiovascular health as well as the fat burning rate
Being Active
Now it's backed by science: short and intensive physical activity improves a long line of important indices of cardiovascular health as well as the fat burning rate
A task-specific kit that includes professional background, mapping and training tools, signposts, and contents designed for printing or distribution through social and organizational networks
Being Active
Moderate regular physical activity in later years helps keeping independent mobility and prevents disabilities
Being Active
Israel joined the international organization AHK (Active Healthy Kids) and prepared a comprehensive report on physical activity among children. What grade did Israel get? What did the forum recommend?
Being Active
Physical activity during early childhood is crucial for the future development and health of our children. Where to begin and what activities are recommended for infants? The answers are here.
Being Active
Not only after school or special activities: everything that’s important to know about active lives for children and adolescents and how to turn physical activity into family quality time
Being Active
The daily goal of 10,000 steps became popular, but is it evidence-based? How many steps a day are recommended? This article reviews a number of studies and the conclusion is surprising!
Being Active
Now it's also scientific: If there are recreational trails, parkland and open spaces in your area, your chances of being active and healthy are greater!
Being Active
Why and how to begin: Taking the stairs as part of your everyday routine will make your daily life much more active and healthier